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This function attempted to replicate the process of dplyr::arrange() |> dplyr::group_by() |> dplyr::sort(). It was deprecated because the same operation can be done much more quickly and flexibly using dsTidyverseClient::ds.arrange() |> dsTidyverseClient::ds.group_by() |> dsTidyverseClient::ds.slice().


  df = NULL,
  id_var = NULL,
  age_var = NULL,
  var_to_subset = NULL,
  bands = NULL,
  mult_action = NULL,
  mult_vals = NULL,
  keep_vars = NULL,
  new_obj = NULL,
  band_action = NULL,
  conns = NULL,
  checks = TRUE,
  df_name = NULL



Character specifying a server-side data frame.


Character giving the name of the column within df which uniquely identifies each subject.


Character specifying age or time variable in df.


Character specifying variable in df to stratify according to bands.


Numeric vector of alternating lower and upper values specifying the bands in which to derive strata of var_to_subset. This vector should be an even number and twice the length of the number of bands required.


Character specifying how to handle cases where a subject has more than one measurement within a specified band. Use "earliest" to take the earliest measurement, "latest" to take the latest measurement and "nearest" to take the measurement nearest to the value(s) specified in mult_vals.


Numeric vector specifying the value in each age band to chose values closest to if subjects have more than one value per band. Required only if mult_action is "nearest". The order and length of the vector should correspond to the order and number of the bands.


Optionally, a vector of variable names within df to include within each strata created.


Character specifying name for created serverside object.


Character specifying how the values provided in bands are evaluated in creating the strata:

  • "g_l" = greater than the lowest band and less than the highest band

  • "ge_le" = greater or equal to the lowest band and less than or equal to the highest band

  • "g_le" = greater than the lowest band and less than or equal to the highest band

  • "ge_l" = greater than or equal to the lowest band and less than the highest band


DataSHIELD connections object.


Logical; if TRUE checks are performed prior to running the function. Default is TRUE.


Retired argument name. Please use `new_obj' instead.


Servside dataframe in wide format containing the derived variables. For each band specified at least two variables will be returned:

  • var_to_subset

  • age_var. The suffix .lower_band identifies the band for that variable.

If argument keep_vars is not NULL, then additional variables will be added to the data frame representing these variables within the strata created.